Category Archives: Industry News

What Is The Use of Super Telephoto Lenses? Comparison of The Advantages And Disadvantages of Super Telephoto Lenses

A super telephoto lens is a lens with an extremely long focal length. There is [...]

Application Of Medium Wave Infrared Lens In Security Monitoring Field

Medium-wave infrared lenses have the characteristics of high resolution, high penetration, and high transmission efficiency, [...]

Key Functions And Parameters Of Iris Recognition Lenses

Iris recognition is a biometric recognition technology, and the iris recognition lens is an important [...]

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Distortion-free Lenses?

In photography, distortion refers to the distortion of image shape and volume, which is a [...]

Imaging Characteristics And Shooting Suggestions Of Wide Angle Lenses

As we all know, a wide-angle lens is a photographic lens with a wider field [...]

What Issues Should Be Considered When Choosing ITS Lenses

ITS lens is a specific lens used for intelligent transportation systems. It is used with [...]


作为社会安全保障的重要设备之一,安全监控摄像机可以 [...]


中波红外镜头是一种应用中波红外技术的光学镜头。工作波长 [...]


高倍显微镜镜头是显微镜不可或缺的关键部件。它们是重要的保证 [...]


1.我可以用拍鸟镜头拍照吗?拍鸟镜头是专门为 [...] 拍摄鸟类而设计的。
