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Filtri za izrezovanje IR

Vroči izdelki
Podjetje Fuzhou ChuangAn Optics, ki je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2010, je vodilno podjetje na področju proizvodnje inovativnih in vrhunskih izdelkov za svet vida, kot so objektiv CCTV, objektiv ribje oko, objektiv za športne kamere, objektiv brez popačenja, avtomobilski objektiv, objektiv za strojni vid itd., ki zagotavlja tudi prilagojene storitve in rešitve. Inovacije in ustvarjalnost so naši razvojni koncepti. Raziskovalci v našem podjetju si prizadevajo za razvoj novih izdelkov z večletnim tehničnim znanjem in strogim upravljanjem kakovosti.Prizadevamo si doseči strategijo, ki bo koristila vsem strankam in končnim uporabnikom.



Že 10 let smo specializirani za raziskave in razvoj ter oblikovanje



Neodvisno smo razvili in oblikovali več kot 500 vrst optičnih leč



Naše izdelke izvažamo v več kot 50 držav in regij

What Are The Shooting Techniques For Wide-Angle Lenses? How Is It Different From A Standard Lens?

Because of its unique perspective, wide-angle lenses have unique shooting effects and are often used [...]

The Main Features And Application Scenarios of Telephoto Lenses

A telephoto lens has a longer focal length, which can provide a larger magnification and [...]

Specific Applications of Mid-Wave Infrared Lenses In Environmental Protection Fields

Medium-wave infrared lenses are widely used in many fields, including environmental protection. Medium-wave infrared lenses [...]

Typical Functions And Advantages of Wide-Angle Lenses In Photography

The wide-angle lens is one of the favorite types of lenses for photographers. Its characteristics [...]

Can A Fixed Focus Lens Be Used To Shoot Landscapes? What Is A 50mm Fixed Focus Lens Suitable For Shooting?

1、Can a fixed focus lens be used to shoot landscapes? Fixed focus lenses, that is, lenses [...]

What Is The Use of Super Telephoto Lenses? Comparison of The Advantages And Disadvantages of Super Telephoto Lenses

A super telephoto lens is a lens with an extremely long focal length. There is [...]

Application Of Medium Wave Infrared Lens In Security Monitoring Field

Medium-wave infrared lenses have the characteristics of high resolution, high penetration, and high transmission efficiency, [...]

Key Functions And Parameters Of Iris Recognition Lenses

Iris recognition is a biometric recognition technology, and the iris recognition lens is an important [...]

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