Author Archives: zxy
Can A Fixed Focus Lens Be Used To Shoot Landscapes? What Is A 50mm Fixed Focus Lens Suitable For Shooting?
1、Can a fixed focus lens be used to shoot landscapes? Fixed focus lenses, that is, lenses [...]
What Is The Use of Super Telephoto Lenses? Comparison of The Advantages And Disadvantages of Super Telephoto Lenses
A super telephoto lens is a lens with an extremely long focal length. There is [...]
Application Of Medium Wave Infrared Lens In Security Monitoring Field
Medium-wave infrared lenses have the characteristics of high resolution, high penetration, and high transmission efficiency, [...]
Key Functions And Parameters Of Iris Recognition Lenses
Iris recognition is a biometric recognition technology, and the iris recognition lens is an important [...]
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Distortion-free Lenses?
In photography, distortion refers to the distortion of image shape and volume, which is a [...]
Imaging Characteristics And Shooting Suggestions Of Wide Angle Lenses
As we all know, a wide-angle lens is a photographic lens with a wider field [...]
What Issues Should Be Considered When Choosing ITS Lenses
ITS lens is a specific lens used for intelligent transportation systems. It is used with [...]
Ako vybrať objektív bezpečnostnej monitorovacej kamery
Bezpečnostné kamery ako jedno z dôležitých zariadení na zaručenie sociálnej bezpečnosti môžu byť [...]
Aplikácia strednovlnného infračerveného objektívu v oblasti priemyselnej kontroly
Strednovlnný infračervený objektív je optický objektív, ktorý využíva strednovlnnú infračervenú technológiu. Pracovná vlnová dĺžka [...]
Kľúčové vlastnosti vysokovýkonných objektívov pre mikroskopy
Objektívy mikroskopov s vysokým výkonom sú nepostrádateľnou kľúčovou súčasťou mikroskopov. Sú dôležitou zárukou [...]