Me ei tarnita ainult tooteid.

Pakume kogemusi ja loome lahendusi

Peeglita kaamera-objektiivid


Optilised läätsed


Objektiivi hoidikud

IR Cut filtrid

Kuumad tooted
2010. aastal asutatud Fuzhou ChuangAn Optics on juhtiv ettevõte, mis toodab uuenduslikke ja suurepäraseid tooteid visioonimaailma jaoks, nagu CCTV objektiiv, kalasilm objektiiv, spordikaamera objektiiv, mittemoonutuslik objektiiv, autoobjektiiv, masinate nägemisobjektiiv jne, pakkudes ka kohandatud teenuseid ja lahendusi. Hoidke innovatsiooni ja loovust on meie arengukontseptsioonid. Meie ettevõtte uurivad liikmed on püüdnud arendada uusi tooteid, millel on üle aastate tehniline oskusteave koos range kvaliteedijuhtimisega. püüame saavutada meie klientide ja lõppkasutajate jaoks kasulikku strateegiat.



Oleme spetsialiseerunud teadus- ja arendustegevusele ning disainile juba 10 aastat



Oleme iseseisvalt välja töötanud ja projekteerinud rohkem kui 500 liiki optilisi läätsesid.



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Specific Application of Wide Angle Lens In Landscape Photography

The wide-angle lens is one of the commonly used lens types in landscape photography. It [...]

What Are The Focusing Techniques For Fixed Focus Lenses?

The focal length of a fixed focus lens is fixed and cannot be changed. It [...]

Application of Mid-Wave Infrared Lens In Aerospace Field

The mid-wave infrared (MWIR) band has some unique properties, such as being very sensitive to [...]

Spring Festival Holiday Notice

Dear Customers, In order to celebrate the Spring Festival, our company will be closed from [...]

What Are The Shooting Techniques For Wide-Angle Lenses? How Is It Different From A Standard Lens?

Because of its unique perspective, wide-angle lenses have unique shooting effects and are often used [...]

The Main Features And Application Scenarios of Telephoto Lenses

A telephoto lens has a longer focal length, which can provide a larger magnification and [...]

Specific Applications of Mid-Wave Infrared Lenses In Environmental Protection Fields

Medium-wave infrared lenses are widely used in many fields, including environmental protection. Medium-wave infrared lenses [...]

Typical Functions And Advantages of Wide-Angle Lenses In Photography

The wide-angle lens is one of the favorite types of lenses for photographers. Its characteristics [...]

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